GEAR Seattle
The kind folks at The Shop Seattle invited me over to their amazing facility in early August 2018 to take a look around. Their 36,500 square feet of pristine, climate-controlled storage for cars and motorcycles is a site to behold. They were curious as to what I did / how I might be able to add value to their already thriving business?
After having a look around I found a under utilized nook in their entry way that looked promising. Ultimately my pitch was to create an in house brand & boutique of auto inspired merchandise and apparel. I proposed the name GEAR.
I found it quite surprising the both and @gearseattle were both available!
Having charged me to make the pitch into a reality I had less than a month to put the project together. The challenge not only included designing a full collection as well as curating complementary merchandise - but procuring and creating a retail shop within the 130 square feet.
Below is the story in images including before and after of the space as well as the first collection for GEAR Seattle.