Gibran® Studios

Embarking on our world-spanning expedition has ignited a transformative phase in my creative journey. As I navigate the post-travel period, I find myself sculpting the contours of my creative outp...
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Mark and Ashley Michael commissioned me with the task of revitalizing their company logo. The initial design, a result of Mark's amalgamation of various web elements, had run its course and was rea...
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Gibran developed the branding, corporate identity, & website for Anatra. A multi-dimensional firm including consulting, investing, & philanthropy – Anatra prides itself on growth through me...
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Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a successful athlete and a compassionate individual? Gibran had the incredible opportunity to get to know Thon Maker, the rising star of the...
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Mauro Golmarvi & his wonderful wife Connie recently reached out to me. The directive was two fold - celebrate Mauro's 25th year helming Assaggio's in Seattle & provide a framework for hi...
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The kind folks at The Shop Seattle invited over me to their amazing facility in early August 2018 to take a look around. Their 36,500 square feet of pristine, climate-controlled storage for cars ...
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Mike Ralls of Addictive Coffee Roasters has been roasting coffee for the last 4 years and is ready to launch his dream. According to Mike his mission "is to rebrand the term ‘Addictive’ that is po...
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Overview:The Gran Sogno wine label and branding project aimed to create a captivating and romantic visual identity for the brand, encapsulating the essence of the wine's smoothness and allure. Des...
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Core 4 Collective Branding & Web Design
Proud to have worked with the team core4collective from concept to delivery on branding and website design. A unique collective of like minded individuals supporting each other to live their best l...
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The artist/musician Harrison reached out to me for a logo/brand mark. After a bit of research and back and forth I settled on Art Deco inspiration - something I ended up naming Art Deco Flow.
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